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I am so excited to release my first full collection of kick & snare drum one shot samples!

I use these one shot samples in my mixes to add punch, sustain and depth to my natural drum productions, and since i'm going to be leaving my current recording studio home of Crooked Rain Studios I wanted to memorialise the sounds i've created and captured by releasing them as a sample pack. 

What is a one shot? It's a single, hard drum hit that producers use to enhance their natural drum sound. This isn't for total replacement, but it can push an average natural drum mix to sound huge, without sounding fake.

I'm incredibly proud of this collection. It covers a ton of sonic territory, with plenty of options for big punchy rock snare drums, but also beautifully sustained ringy snares, plus some that add a ton of crack to your mixes. Similarly, the kick drums offer a wide variety of tones, all premixed and designed to sit perfectly in your mix. 

This package contains TCI Trigger files for 26 snare drum one shots, and 11 kick drum one shots. Each individual drum includes options for close microphones, overheads and various room configurations so you can dial in the perfect one shot to enhance your drum sound. That's over 175 individual samples! Sick!!

Please note - this product is only available as TCI / Trigger Files and does not include .wavs.

Crooked Rain - One Shot Kick & Snare Pack

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